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Quelle: Greenshift.com
GreenShift Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: GSHF) is a publicly traded business development company whose mission is to develop and support clean technologies and companies that facilitate the efficient use of natural resources and catalyze transformational environmental gains.
GreenShift focuses on supporting incremental advances in technologies and business practices that enable increased and sustainable profits on relatively small infrastructure investments while contributing to the resolution of compelling environmental challenges.
This focus extends into the consumer markets as well. GreenShift believes that tremendous environmental gains can be realized through the collective actions of a great many individuals by making it easier and less costly for people to use clean energy and fuels, and to reduce waste and recycle more. GreenShift contributes to making these things possible by supporting the development of new clean technologies that are designed to seamlessly integrate with consumers€™ daily lives.
These incremental shifts forward in both economic and environmental gain these green shifts are at the core of GreenShift€™s investment philosophy, and they fall within the following clean activities:
Clean Energy
Clean Fuel
Clean Air & Water
Clean Production
Since commencing operations on April 1, 2005, GreenShift has consolidated a portfolio of clean companies that GreenShift manages in the manner of a keiretsu where portfolio companies ally with one another and coordinate their respective development efforts. GreenShift€™s portfolio includes operating companies with combined annualized revenues of about $30 million and exclusive rights to over a dozen proprietary clean technologies.
Company Nature of Business:
» Enviro-Sciences Corporation:Environmental Engineering & Management Services
» Veridium Corporation:Industrial Design & Technology Transfer Services
» INSEQ Corporation:Manufacturing, Green Products & Recycling Services
» Mean Green BioFuels Corporation:BioFuels Production & Sales
» Sterling Planet, Inc.:Renewable Energy Sales
» TerraPass, Inc.:Renewable Energy Sales
» General Hydrogen, Inc.:Fuel Cell Technologies & Products
» General Ultrasonics Corporation:Clean Energy Technologies
» Aerogel Composites, Inc.:Clean Energy & Emissions Control Technologies
» Ovation Products Corporation:Water Purification Technologies & Products