Hallo Cybercrash,
Kannst Du mal diesen Titel genauer anschauen und mir sagen was Du darüber denkst?
Gruss Rich
https://www.nasdaq.com/aspxcontent/NewsStory.aspx?cpath=20051207\ACQPRN200512071519PR _NEWS_B_WES_LA_LAW077.htm&selected= NEW&selecteddisplaysymbol=NEW&symbol=NEW`&coname=N ew%20Century%20Financial%20Corp.&logopath=&market= NYSE&pageName=Compan y%20News
The company's board of directors expects to declare the fourth quarter 2005 dividend in December 2005, which will be payable in January 2006 to stockholders of record as of a date to be determined in December 2005. For the full-year 2005, the company expects to pay a dividend of $6.50 per share to its stockholders.
As of September 30, 2005, the company's year-to-date REIT taxable income exceeded the dividends paid by approximately $1.42 per share. Moreover, the company estimates that REIT taxable income at year-end will exceed its $6.50 per share dividend guidance by approximately the same amount as REIT taxable income exceeds dividends paid. For the full year 2005, the company expects the excess to be approximately $1.50 per share. The company expects to utilize an Internal Revenue Code provision that allows excess taxable income to be carried into 2006, and to distribute the excess taxable income as part of its regular quarterly dividend in April 2006, while avoiding excise or regular income tax on such excess.